Stanford Bank

Stanford Bank, Background

Southey Capital is looking to buy claims in to the Antiguan and US administrations/receiverships of Stanford Bank. 

Accepted claims in both the Antiguan and US estates that have been accepted and have paid an initial distribution are of interest to us.  If you have a claim that is not yet accepted, or an Intercomapny claim these could be interesting.

Some claimants have claims in both the Antiguan and US entities, and these can be sold separately or together, for a higher price. 

Stanford International Bank Ltd ( Antigua )

The Antiguan based claims have received either one distribution of one percent or none at all, depending in which group you are, you have a marketable claim or unfortunately nothing at all.  However, there may be an opportunity to still file a claim, as Antigua does not have a bardate, so there is no time limit to file a claim.  

SIB  Creditors ( US ) 

1. If you have received no distributions so far.  If you have a US claim and have not received any distributions yet, you may have missed the chance to file and therefore have no claim in to the estate any more. 

2. If you have not received a distribution so far, but have been contacted by the administrator, you may just need to provide them with more information so that they can make payments to you. You should contact Southey Capital so that we can guide you through the next steps. 

3. If you have already received distributions in to your nominated bank account then you have cleared all the hurdles and have a marketable claim. We would like to hear from you and keep you in touch with developments.

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